Kinnaur- Spiti

The Best of Kinnaur- Spiti 4.5


Placed high within the Himalayas Spiti valley is a cold desert mountain valley. It is situated in the north-eastern part of the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. The name "Spiti" means "The middle land", i.e. the land between Tibet and India. The local population of Tibet and Ladakh regions follow Vajrayana Buddhism. The valley and close region is one among the least inhabited regions in India and is the entranceway to the northmost reaches of the state. The valley is located in the  Northeastern section of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh and forms a part of Lahaul and Spiti district. The sub-divisional capital is Kaza, Himachal Pradesh which is located on the Spiti River at an elevation of 12,500 feet higher than the main sea level.

The district is surrounded by high mountain ranges. The Rohtang Pass, at 13,05 4 feet, separates Lahaul and Spiti from the Kullu valley. Lahaul and Spiti are cut off from one another by the upper Kunzum Pass, at 15,059 feet. A road connects the 2 divisions, however, is bring to an end oftentimes in winter and spring because of heavy snow. The eight months of the year, there is heavy snowfalls and thick icing conditions. A southern route to India is usually closed in the winter storms of November through June, however, road access is sometimes restored a couple of days after storms end via Shimla and the Sutlej within the Kinnaur district.

The places that you can explore in Kinnaur-Spiti

Tabo Monastery 

It was established in 996 CE. It is considered to be an important monastery and referred to as the Ajanta of the Himalayas. The complex has 9 temples and many stupas—all of which are made in mud and have been standing like this for more than 1000 years.
The main temple is an assembly hall where monks used to pray along. There are also 33 stucco sculptures of Bodhisattvas on the walls with their names mentioned for recognition.These temples belong to Buddhist deities like Tara and Buddha Bodhisattva. No photography of the paintings is allowed at Tabo monastery although you can take photos of the complex outside. However, picture postcards of these beautiful paintings are available with monks for sale.


Kibber is one of the foremost beautiful villages that you will see in Spiti and is located around 16 kilometers far from Kaza town. Located at a height of 4270 meter, the village is the highest within the world connected by motorable road. The road to Kibber village crosses one in every of the foremost popular monasteries in the region. many boards welcome you at the doorway of the village, that has around 60-70 homes on multiple levels. every home is painted in white with blue and black outline on doors and windows. Like each village, Kibber additionally has its monastery, but unlike others, it has a wildlife sanctuary that's inhabited by several animals. The sanctuary is additionally known for rare medicinal plants.

Key Monastery

It is also called Ki or Kye Gompa, which is the primary monastery of Kaza region. Situated on the edge of a hill, overlooking the Spiti river, this is the most beautiful landmark of Kaza. You can see it from quite far, hanging from a nearly cliff-like hill. When you reach the doorway arch of the monastery, look towards the valley and you're most likely watching the most beautiful part of Spiti valley. Key monastery, located at a height of more than 4100 meters, dates back to the 11th CE and monks have been living and getting trained here since then.If you happen to visit within the morning, you'll be able to witness the morning chanting and prayer session of monks. Young and old monks in their trademark red garment chant in unison, creating a beautiful ambiance.


It is the big town of Spiti valley before you imagine a busy hill town, it's having a population of around 3000 solely. it is located on the banks of the Spiti river and has a market that's the middle for all types of trade in the region. Kaza is home to the world’s highest retail petrol station and most of the travelers exploring the region stop here for fuel. Kaza is located in a valley surrounded by tall mountains on all sides and the Spiti river meandering around it. the popularity of Kaza among tourists is visible within the range of homestays here.

Dhankar  Monastery

Located at the height of 3900 feet Dhankar Monastery is one of the finest monasteries in Spiti Valley.  It used to be the capital of Spiti Valley during 17th CE. The monastery is presently in a fragile condition, and not more than 20 people are allowed inside at a time, though I wonder if more than 20 visitors ever come together here. On the roof of the monastery, only 3 people are allowed at a time. You can take trek to Dhankar Lake that is situated higher than the monastery. You can experience the mesmerizing view from your window that is located right above the cliff. 


Langza, Hikkim, and Comic form a small village circuit that takes you to some of the highest villages in the world. The interesting fact about Hikkim is that it has the highest post office in the world. The place is known for fossils and the giant Buddha statue that overlooks the valley as if keeping an eye on it and protecting it from evil forces. Located on a meadow surrounded by the Himalayan mountain ranges, Langza is a lovely village. 


Chandratal is of the beautiful places you will find in Himachal Pradesh. A moon-shaped lake with its water changing colors throughout the day. You can either reach it on foot from either Batal or Kunzum Pass or opt for the motorable road that takes a little longer route but goes almost till the base of the lake.  Best time to visit Chandratal is between noon and 4 pm when the lake takes an aquamarine blue color. It changes color as the clouds move over it. A small chorten with colorful prayer flags stands at the edge of the lake.  

Spiti River

The Kunzum Range of the Himalaya Mountains in a way that it divides Lahaul and Spiti. Many Himalayan streams, including the Pin River, feed it. As this part of the Himalayas are desert areas with almost no rains, the river gets no rainwater and all its water comes from the melted glaciers of the Himalayan ranges. Spiti valley is situated on the banks of the Spiti river, such as Tabo, Dhankar, Kaza, and Rangrik. Most of these places have existed for at least 1000 years. Many monasteries overlook the river as if drawing their spiritual strength from the water element of the nature around. The river with huge and small channels nearly looks frozen from a distance, and they do freeze throughout the winter season.

Rohtang pass

This snowy pass is found on the highway to Leh and is only open from June to October once a year. It lies at a height of 3979 meters and offers spectacular views of glaciers, mountain peaks, and the Chandra river. The pass is a gateway to Lahaul, Spiti, Pangi, and Leh. Due to its progressive popularity, the route to Rohtang is commonly clogged with traffic during the peak tourist season.
But the place and the view of the place is breathtaking.


Nako is a lovely village located in the upper Kinnaur region, very close to Spiti Valley. If you are coming to Spiti Valley from Shimla, Nako serves as your first introduction to the barren landscape. It is a quaint village located in the lap of Himalayas with Buddhism as its driving force. You can see a large prayer wheel on its hill that has recently been installed by its youth club, as well as many smaller prayer wheels or series of prayer wheels all around the village. There is an ancient sacred lake on the edge of the village. Guru Padmasambhava is supposed to have meditated near the lake, making it sacred for villagers. His footprints are also marked on a rock here which is worshipped by the villagers. 

What about the food?

While being in the place you can explore the local and their traditional food in your surroundings. While eating, you can enjoy the beautiful view of Kinnaur and Spiti.

Packages for Kinnaur- Spiti

Book travel packages and enjoy your holidays with distinctive experience

Kinnaur-Spiti Circuit  9 Night/10 Days

The district is surrounded by high mountain ranges. The Rohtang Pass, at 13,05 4 feet, separates Lahaul and Spiti from the Kullu valley. The valley is located in the Northeastern ..

Tour Inclusions

  1. Transportation using Cab for all sightseeing as per tour itinerary on non-sharable basis.
  2. Fuel charges, road tax, toll tax, driver’s allowance, Interstate taxes, per Day taxes of Himachal & parking fee.
  3. Hotels as per above schedule, meals as per your plan meal plan (veg only).

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